Find Your MP

People living with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) face significant barriers to getting the speech and therapy they need. Specialised speech and language therapy, essential for diagnosis and ongoing support, is not commissioned at the national level, leaving many without access to vital services.

You can help change this. By contacting your MP today, you can urge the Government to ensure PPA is included in nationally commissioned services. Together, we can secure better care for people with PPA, no matter where they live.

Action Needed:

This e-action enables you to directly contact your local MP.

This e-action can be used by people with Primary Progressive Aphasia, their families and carers, and speech and language therapists.

The e-action asks MPs to write to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. We have also produced a letter that MPs can use.

CHECK: if you are a speech and language therapist, before contacting your local MP, check if your employer has guidance on engaging with MPs. This may affect what you can do in work time, including, for example, whether you can contact them using your work email address.

Steps to Take:

Customise the Template: Access the email below 

The email is likely to have more impact with MPs if you personalise it with your details and any additional insights you might have based on your personal or professional experience of having PPA or supporting people who do.